The figures refer usually to the page where the treatment of the subject begins. The arrangement of the work can be most easily seen by examining the Table of Contents; its plan is explained in the Introduction. If it is desired to find the proper motion to use to accomplish a certain object, see 10:2. In the Order of Precedence and Table of Rules will be found a large amount of information about all the motions in common use, which should be carefully studied so that when the facts are needed they can be quickly found. On those pages will be found, among other things, the circumstances under which any of the common motions may be made; the motions that are in order while a specified motion is pending; and whether a specified motion may be debated, amended, or reconsidered, and whether it requires a two-thirds vote, etc. In the Index under the title, "Motions, List of," will be found a complete list of motions. To find the details refer to the particular motion in the Index. It is best always to refer to general subjects first, as under them will usually be found all the details. Look under Adjourn, Committee, Debate, Forms, Vote, etc., for illustrations.
- Accept, Adopt, or Agree to ............................................ 54
- Adjourn, motion to .................................................... 17
- Amendment, motion to amend ............................................ 33
- by inserting or adding words ................................... 33:4
- by striking out words .......................................... 33:5
- by striking out and inserting words ............................ 33:6
- by inserting or adding, or by striking out, an entire paragraph. 33:7
- by substituting one paragraph for another ...................... 33:8
- of an amendment ................................................ 33:1
- of reports of committees or boards ............................ 54:12
- of reports or propositions containing several paragraphs ....... 24:5
- of Rules of Order, By-laws, and Constitutions .................... 68
- of Standing Rules .............................................. 67:8
- improper amendments ........................................... 33:10
- motions that cannot be amended, list of ....................... 33:12
- Announcing the Vote ............................................... 9,46:5
- Annul ................................................................. 37
- Appeal from the decision of the chair ............................... 21:4
- Apply, meaning of .................................................... WRK
- Assembly, how organized and how business is conducted in .............. 69
- the word to be replaced by Society, Club, etc.,
- when it occurs in forms of questions ....................... DEF
- division of the .................................................. 25
- right to punish members .......................................... 72
- right to eject persons from its room ............................. 73
- trial of members ................................................. 75
- Ballot, voting by .................................................. 46:11
- Blanks, filling of ................................................. 33:14
- in balloting not to be counted ................................ 46:13
- Boards of Trustees, Managers, or Directors ............................ 50
- Business, how introduced ............................................... 1
- how conducted ............................................. 1-9,69-71
- to change order of is undebatable and requires a
- two-thirds vote ........................................... 22:2
- priority of, questions relating to are undebatable ............. 45T2
- unfinished ..................................................... 17:9
- By-laws, what they should contain ................................... 67:5
- Call of the House ..................................................... 41
- Call to Order ....................................................... 21:3
- Chairman, etc. (presiding officer), mode of address .................... 3
- duties of ........................................................ 58
- election of .............................................. 69:2,70:12
- temporary, or pro tem .......................................... 58:7
- right to vote when it affects result ........................... 58:5
- of a committee ................................................... 52
- of committee of the whole ........................................ 55
- inexperienced, hints to ....................................... 58:13
- Charts, description of ............................................... TRM
- Clerk, (see Secretary) ................................................ 59
- Close Debate now (see Previous Question) .............................. 29
- at a future time ................................................. 30
- Commit, motion to ..................................................... 32
- forms of the motion ............................................ 32:7
- Committees, Executive, and Boards ..................................... 50
- Committees, Special and Standing ...................................... 52
- distinction between special and standing ......................... 52
- object of ...................................................... 32:8
- appointment of ................................................. 32:5
- of whom they should be composed .............................. 32:8-9
- proper size of ........................................... 32:9,52:11
- chairman of .................................................... 32:8
- reporting member of .............................................. 53
- quorum in, consists of a majority .............................. 64:4
- manner of conducting business in ............................. 52:3-4
- to discharge .................................................. 32:12
- Reports of, their form ......................................... 52:5
- their reception ............................................. 53
- their amendment .......................................... 54:12
- their adoption or acceptance ................................ 54
- their place in the order of business ...................... 65:2
- common errors in acting upon .............................. 53:4
- Minority Reports or Views of, their form ....................... 52:7
- cannot be acted upon unless moved as a substitute for the
- committee's (majority's) report ...................... 52:7
- Congress, Rules of, the basis of this work ........................... WRK
- (Rules of, to be found in footnotes when different from those
given in text)
- (Rules of, to be found in footnotes when different from those
- Consent, unanimous or general ....................................... 48:2
- can be given only when a quorum is present ..................... 64:2
- Consideration of a Question, objection to ............................. 23
- Constitutions, what they should contain ............................. 67:3
- Convention, organizing and conducting a meeting of a .................. 71
- Credentials of delegates .............................................. 71
- Debate .............................................................. 6,42
- what precedes ..................................................... 2
- no member to speak but twice on same day in same .................. 7
- no speech to be longer than ten minutes ........................... 7
- number and length of speeches in Congress (Note) ............... 42F1
- member reporting measure has right to close ...................... 42
- undebatable questions, list of ................................. 45T2
- motions that open the main question to ......................... 45T1
- principles regulating the extent of .............................. 45
- decorum in ....................................................... 43
- to close now (Previous Question) ................................. 29
- to close at future time .......................................... 30
- to limit or extend limits of ..................................... 30
- two-thirds vote required to close limit, or extend ............. 48T1
- Decorum in Debate ..................................................... 43
- Definitions of various terms ......................................... DEF
- Delegates, organization of a meeting of ............................... 71
- credentials of ................................................ 71(a)
- Dilatory Motions not permitted ........................................ 40
- Disorderly words in debate .......................................... 43:4
- Division of the assembly .............................................. 25
- of the question .................................................. 24
- Duties of Officers (see Chairman, Secretary, Executive Secretary
- and Treasurer)
- Ecclesiastical Tribunals, legal rights of ............................. 74
- Eject persons from the room, right of assembly to ..................... 73
- Elections ............................................................. 66
- Errors, common ...................................................... 53:4
- Executive Board ....................................................... 50
- Executive Committee ................................................... 50
- Executive Secretary ................................................... 61
- Ex-officio members of boards and committees ........................... 51
- Expulsion of members requires a 2/3 vote ............................ 75:6
- Expunge ............................................................. 37:2
- Extend the limits of debate ........................................... 30
- Filling blanks ..................................................... 33:14
- Fix the time to which to Adjourn, motion to ........................... 16
- when not privileged .............................................. 16
- Floor, how to obtain ................................................... 3
- necessary to obtain, in order to make a motion .................... 3
- Forms of making motions ................................................ 4
- a resolution .................................................... 4:2
- a preamble ...................................................... 4:2
- stating questions ................................................. 6
- putting questions ................................................. 9
- announcing the result of a vote ................................... 9
- tellers' report of vote by ballot ............................. 46:14
- acting on reports of committees ............................... 53,54
- acting on reports or resolutions containing several
- paragraphs ................................................ 24:4
- reports of committees .......................................... 52:6
- treasurers' reports ............................................ 62:2
- minutes of a meeting ............................................. 60
- (Under each motion the form of making it and of stating and putting
the question is given if the form is peculiar)
- General Consent ..................................................... 48:2
- Hints to Inexperienced Chairmen .................................... 58:13
- House, Call of the .................................................... 41
- Immediately pending question, meaning of ............................. DEF
- Incidental motions or questions ....................................... 13
- main motions or questions ...................................... 11:2
- Indecorum, leave to continue speaking after ......................... 21:2
- Indefinite postponement ............................................... 34
- Informal consideration of a question .................................. 57
- Information, Request for ........................................... 27(b)
- Introduction of Business ............................................... 1
- Inquiry, Parliamentary ............................................. 27(a)
- Journal (see Minutes) ................................................. 60
- Lay on the table, motion to ........................................... 28
- Leave to continue speaking after indecorum .......................... 21:2
- Legal Rights (see Assembly and Ecclesiastical Tribunals)
- Lesson Outlines ...................................................... LES
- Limit debate, motion to ............................................... 30
- Main motions or questions ............................................. 11
- incidental main motions or questions ........................... 11:2
- Majority, defined ................................................. DEF,48
- Meeting, distinction between it and Session ......................... 63:2
- Members not to be present during a debate concerning themselves ..... 43:4
- Minority Report, or Views (see Committees) .......................... 52:7
- Minutes, form and contents of ....................................... 60:3
- Moderator (see Chairman) ............................................... 3
- Modification of a motion by the mover .............................. 27(c)
- Motions, list of (for details see each motion in the Index)
- accept a report .................................................. 54
- adjourn .......................................................... 17
- adjourn, fix the time to which to ................................ 16
- add words (see Amendment) ...................................... 33:4
- add a paragraph (see Amendment) ................................ 33:7
- adopt a report (same as Accept) .................................. 54
- agree to (same as Adopt) ......................................... 54
- amend ............................................................ 33
- annul ............................................................ 37
- appeal ......................................................... 21:4
- blanks, filling ............................................... 33:14
- call to order .................................................. 21:3
- close debate now (previous question) ............................. 29
- close debate at a future time .................................... 30
- commit, or refer, or recommit .................................... 32
- consideration of a question, objection to ........................ 23
- divide the assembly .............................................. 25
- divide the question .............................................. 24
- expunge ........................................................ 37:2
- extend the limits of debate ...................................... 30
- fix the time to which to adjourn ................................. 16
- incidental motions or questions .................................. 13
- incidental main motions or questions ........................... 11:2
- indefinitely postpone ............................................ 34
- informal consideration of a question ............................. 57
- insert words (see Amendment) ................................... 33:4
- insert a paragraph (see Amendment) ............................. 33:7
- lay on the table ................................................. 28
- leave to continue speaking when guilty of indecorum ............ 21:2
- leave to read papers .......................................... 27(d)
- leave to be excused from a duty ............................... 27(e)
- leave to withdraw or modify a motion .......................... 27(c)
- limit debate ..................................................... 30
- main motions or questions ........................................ 11
- objection to the consideration of a question ..................... 23
- order, questions of .............................................. 21
- order, to make a special .................................. 20:8,31:7
- orders of the day, call for ...................................... 20
- permission, to grant (see Leave)
- postpone to a certain time, or definitely ........................ 31
- postpone indefinitely ............................................ 34
- previous question ................................................ 29
- principal (same as Main) motions or questions .................... 11
- priority of business, questions relating to .............. 20,45T2,65
- privileged motions or questions .................................. 14
- privilege, questions of .......................................... 19
- reading papers ................................................ 27(d)
- reception of a report (see Committees) ........................... 53
- recommit (same as Commit) ........................................ 32
- reconsider ....................................................... 36
- reconsider and enter on the minutes ........................... 36:13
- refer (same as Commit) ........................................... 32
- renewal of a motion .............................................. 38
- rescind, repeal, or annul ........................................ 37
- rise (in committee of the whole equals adjourn) ........... 17:8,55:4
- special order, to make a ............................... 20:8,31:3(4)
- strike out words (see Amendment) ............................... 33:5
- strike out a paragraph ......................................... 33:7
- strike out and insert words (see Amendment) .................... 33:6
- strike out and insert a paragraph (same as Substitute) ......... 33:8
- subsidiary motions or questions .................................. 12
- substitute (one form of Amendment, which see) .................. 33:8
- suspension of the rules .......................................... 22
- take from the table .............................................. 35
- take up a question out of its proper order ................... 22:2-3
- withdrawal of a motion ........................................ 27(c)
- Motions, Table of rules relating to .................................. TRM
- order of precedence of .......................................... OPM
- classified according to their object ........................... 10T1
- classified into Privileged, Incidental, subsidiary, etc. ...... 11-14
- how to be made .................................................... 4
- a second required (with certain exceptions) ....................... 5
- to be stated by chairman before being discussed ................... 6
- when to be in writing ............................................. 4
- how to be divided ................................................ 24
- how to be modified by the mover ............................... 27(c)
- how to be stated .................................................. 6
- how to be put to the question ..................................... 9
- that are in order when another has the floor .................... 3:8
- that do not require a second .................................... 5:3
- that cannot be amended ........................................ 33:12
- that cannot be debated ......................................... 45T2
- that cannot be reconsidered .................................... 36:3
- that open main question to debate .............................. 45T1
- that require 2/3 vote for their adoption ....................... 48T1
- that are null and void even if adopted unanimously ............... 47
- dilatory, absurd, or frivolous not allowed ....................... 40
- Nominating Ballot ..................................................... 66
- Nominations, how treated ...................................... 26,66,69:3
- Numbers of paragraphs, clerk to correct without a vote ............. 33:13
- Objection to consideration [introduction] of a question ............... 23
- Obtaining the floor .................................................... 3
- Officers of an assembly (see Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer,
- and Vice President) ........................................... 69(b)
- Order, questions of and a call to ..................................... 21
- of business ...................................................... 65
- of the day ..................................................... 20:4
- general ........................................................ 20:5
- special ........................................................ 20:8
- of precedence of motions ........................................ OPM
- Organization of an occasional or mass meeting ......................... 69
- Papers and Documents, reading of ................................... 27(d)
- in custody of secretary ........................................ 59:2
- Parliamentary Inquiry .............................................. 27(a)
- Parliamentary Law, its origin, etc. .................................. PAR
- Pending question, meaning of ......................................... DEF
- immediately pending question, meaning of ........................ DEF
- Plan for Study of Parliamentary Law .................................. PLN
- Plan of the Manual ................................................... WRK
- Plurality Vote defined ............................................... DEF
- Postpone to a certain time ............................................ 31
- indefinitely ..................................................... 34
- Preamble, form of .................................................... 4:2
- considered after the resolution ................................ 24:5
- Precedence of motions, order of ...................................... OPM
- meaning of ...................................................... WRK
- President or Presiding Officer (see Chairman) ......................... 58
- Previous Question ..................................................... 29
- Principal, or Main, Motion or Question ................................ 11
- Priority of Business, questions relating to ......................... 45T2
- Privilege, questions of ............................................... 19
- Privileged Motions or Questions ....................................... 14
- Program of a meeting (same as Orders of the Day) ................... 20:10
- Proxy Voting ....................................................... 46:18
- Putting the question, form of .......................................... 9
- Questions (see Forms, Motions, Privilege, Privileged, Order,
- Quorum ................................................................ 64
- Reading of Papers .................................................. 27(d)
- Reception of a Report (see Committees) ................................ 53
- Recess, to take a ..................................................... 18
- Recommit (see Commit) ................................................. 32
- Reconsider ............................................................ 36
- motions that cannot be reconsidered ............................ 36:3
- Reconsider and have entered on the minutes ......................... 36:13
- Record, or Minutes .................................................... 60
- Recording Officer (see Secretary) ..................................... 59
- Refer (same as Commit) ................................................ 32
- Renewal of a motion ................................................... 38
- Reporting member of a committee, defined .............................. 53
- Reports of committees (see Committees)
- Requests of any kind .................................................. 27
- Resolutions, forms of .................................................. 4
- Restore to membership or office ....................................... 37
- Rights of assemblies (see Assembly) ................................ 72,73
- of ecclesiastical tribunals ...................................... 74
- Rise, motion to, in committee equals adjourn ................... 17:8,55:4
- Rules of Debate (see Debate) ........................................ 7,42
- of Order, what they should contain ............................. 67:7
- of Order, amendment of ........................................... 68
- of Order, suspension of .......................................... 22
- Standing, what they should contain ............................. 67:8
- Standing, amendment or suspension of ........................... 67:8
- relating to motions, Table of ................................... TRM
- Seconding, motions that do not require ............................... 5:3
- Secretary, duties of .................................................. 59
- Seriatim Consideration .............................................. 24:4
- Session ............................................................... 63
- Speaking, Rules of (see Debate) ..................................... 7,42
- Special Order ....................................................... 20:8
- Standing Rules ...................................................... 67:8
- Stating a Question, form of ............................................ 6
- Strike out (see Amendment) ........................................ 33:5-6
- Students, Suggestions to ............................................. PLN
- Subsidiary Motions or Questions ....................................... 12
- Substitute (see Amendment) .......................................... 33:8
- Sum, largest put first ............................................. 33:15
- Suspension of the Constitution ...................................... 67:4
- Table of Rules relating to motions ................................... TRM
- Table, motion to lay on the ........................................... 28
- motion to take from the .......................................... 35
- Teachers, Suggestions to ............................................. PLN
- Tellers ............................................................ 46:12
- report of ..................................................... 46:13
- Time, longest, or most distant, first put .......................... 33:15
- Treasurer, duties of .................................................. 62
- Trial of Members ...................................................... 75
- Two-thirds vote, motions requiring .................................. 48T1
- Unanimous Consent ................................................... 48:2
- Undebatable Motions or Questions .................................... 45T2
- Unfinished Business, effect of adjournment upon ..................... 17:9
- its place in the order of business ............................... 65
- Vice Presidents .................................................... 58:12
- honorary ....................................................... 67:6
- Vote .................................................................. 46
- putting the question .............................................. 9
- viva voce, or by voice ......................................... 46:3
- by show of hands ............................................... 46:3
- by rising ...................................................... 46:3
- by ballot ..................................................... 46:11
- by yeas and nays .............................................. 46:15
- by general consent ....................................... 46:16,48:2
- proxy voting .................................................. 46:19
- voting by mail ................................................ 46:18
- division ......................................................... 25
- chairman entitled to, when it affects result ................... 46:7
- change of, permitted before result is announced ................ 46:9
- announcing the ............................................... 9,46:6
- effect of a tie ................................................ 46:7
- authorizing secretary to cast unanimous ballot ................ 46:11
- declaring vote unanimous when it is not .................. 46:11,48:3
- personal interests that debar one's voting ..................... 46:8
- definitions of plurality, majority, and two-thirds .............. DEF
- motions requiring more than a majority ........................... 48
- motions requiring 2/3, list of ................................. 48T1
- different kinds of 2/3 ......................................... 48:4
- Whole, Committee of the ............................................... 55
- Withdrawal of a Motion ............................................. 27(c)
- Yeas and Nays, voting by ........................................... 46:16
- Yields, meaning of ................................................... WRK